Mittwoch, 17. April 2019
40 Tage Gebet - Philippinische Trauerpraktiken
anna mestisa, 16:53h
Die philippinischen Trauerpraktiken sind von chinesischen, japanischen und katholischen Überzeugungen beeinflusst. Menschen können weiß oder schwarz tragen. Die Farbe Rot wird in der Trauerzeit missbilligt. Es wird angenommen, dass diejenigen, die innerhalb von 9 bis 40 Tagen Rot tragen, sterben oder an Krankheit leiden werden. Es wird angenommen, dass der Verzehr von Hühnchen während des Nachgangs und der Beerdigung den Angehörigen den Tod bringt. Es gibt eine erste neuntägige Trauerpraxis namens Pasiyam , eine Noveneist zu beten von denen, die trauern. In diesen Tagen wird angenommen, dass der Geist des Verstorbenen umherstreift. 40 Tage ist eine katholische Praxis des Gedenkens an die Toten 40 Tage nach ihrem Todestag. Eine Messe und ein kleines Fest werden zum Gedenken an die Toten während des 40-tägigen Zeitraums abgehalten, dem 40. Tag als Gerichtstag. Die unmittelbare Familie trägt schwarz. Nach Ablauf der einjährigen Periode signalisiert der erste Todestag das Ende der Trauer, die mit einem Fest zelebriert wird.
Deutsche Übersetzung von excerpt 2.2.1 by: found 18.3.19:
The Filipino practices for mourning have influences from Chinese, Japanese and folk Catholic beliefs. People may wear white or black. The color red is frowned upon in the time of mourning, it is believed that those who wear red within 9–40 days will die or suffer illness. The consumption of chicken during the wake and funeral is believed to bring death among the relatives. There is an initial nine-day mourning practice called Pasiyam, a novena is to be prayed by those who are mourning. During those days the spirit of the deceased is believed to be roaming. 40 days is a Catholic practice of commemorating the dead after 40 days from their death date. A Mass and a small feast are held to commemorate the dead during the 40-day period, the 40th day as their judgment day. The immediate family wear black. When the one-year period is over, the first death anniversary will signal the end of mourning celebrated by a feast.
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Deutsche Übersetzung von excerpt 2.2.1 by: found 18.3.19:
The Filipino practices for mourning have influences from Chinese, Japanese and folk Catholic beliefs. People may wear white or black. The color red is frowned upon in the time of mourning, it is believed that those who wear red within 9–40 days will die or suffer illness. The consumption of chicken during the wake and funeral is believed to bring death among the relatives. There is an initial nine-day mourning practice called Pasiyam, a novena is to be prayed by those who are mourning. During those days the spirit of the deceased is believed to be roaming. 40 days is a Catholic practice of commemorating the dead after 40 days from their death date. A Mass and a small feast are held to commemorate the dead during the 40-day period, the 40th day as their judgment day. The immediate family wear black. When the one-year period is over, the first death anniversary will signal the end of mourning celebrated by a feast.
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